Placeable items
Placeable items
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Placeable items allows your players to place down any inventory item as a physical object in the world. This will overhaul your entire servers experience and take it to a higher level. Just imagine, your players trafficking drugs, but instead of it being invisible inside their inventory, it's openly visible to the public in the back of their pimped out pickup truck. Hopefully no police officer will see them on their route.
Main features
Easily define the model per each item.
Now not only item can be dropped or given but also placed and transported in their physical 3d form.
Optionally you can add "Place" option to your inventory system. This isn't necessary as the script comes with its own menu for placing props (F4 by default)
Items placed on the ground are saved and will still be there after a server restart
Store items in any vehicle
This script allows you to store your items in any vehicles trunk. With a custom algorithm we predict the dimensions of the trunk to allow an abuse-free placement into any vehicle.
Transporting items has never been this exciting. Just imagine transporting large amounts of drugs or weapons in your SUV and police pulling you over, will they see something through your windows?
What to expect
- ESX, QBCore, QBox, ox-Inventory support
- Highly optimized code
- Extreme configurability (Change the total look and feel of the script)
- Saving of placed items. Items will be spawned back after a server restart
- Ability to place any item
- qb-target, qtarget, ox_target support (Optional)
- Plug-and-play compatibility with (Quasar) qs-inventory
- Place items on vehicles
- Place items in vehicle trunks
- Items stay attached to the vehicles
- Not abusable (Entire logic is server sided)
- Smooth and clean placement method
- Define model per item
- Ability to place all inventory items through fallback models
- Items fall out of vehicles when flipped
- Seamless integration with many popular inventory systems (Easy to implement into your custom system)
- Improves realism
- Items synchronised between players in real time
- Saves item metadata when using qb-inventory
- Items can be thrown
Ox Inventory Integration
When using ox-inventory , you can use any framework you want. This will also unlock additional features such as:
- The item metadata will be saved when placing an item.
- Metadata saved between restarts
- Use with any framework, this script just needs ox-inventory
- Adding a placeable item to the ox-inventory is extremely simple (Read more)
Add "Place" option to your inventory system. (Non ox-inventory)
This resource will work perfectly on server using either QBCore or ESX
All framework & dependency code is always editable. Meaning that it can very easily be adjusted to work with custom solutions.
⚠ This resource is obfuscated using Cfx Escrow system. All framework & dependency code is always public.
⚠ OneSync is required
KuzQuality CustomerWorks as it should with great functions with which you can do a lot.
Granny Instagram
KuzQuality CustomerThe KUZ scripts i've been using have been phenomenal. My server has a heavy focus on custom props as one of its niches. KUZ placeable items has been a game changer. I've used it to create live stock on the shelves in comic book stores and others, used it to fill my player-run casino vault with gold bars for a completely freeroam, player-based heist. Grab what you can! Quite simply....the scripts work, are flexible, and support is fast when you need questions answered. A firm favourite for my server.