Smash 'n grab
Smash 'n grab
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Smash 'n grab will allow your players to loot random NPC vehicles. You can configure the % of vehicles which spawn with loot inside as well as the different loot. You can break the window in any way; as long as the window is broken you'll be able to loot it.
Main features
- ESX + QB
- Highly optimized code
- Extreme configurability (Change the odds, loot and models of the loot)
- Works on all npc vehicles
- Loot spawns in different seats
- Different loot models linked with different loot tables
- Loot items and/or money
- Optional, built in dispatch system as well as support for: cd-dispatch, core-dispatch and ps-dispatch
This resource will work perfectly on server using either QBCore or ESX
All framework & dependency code is always editable. Meaning that it can very easily be adjusted to work with custom solutions.
⚠ This resource is obfuscated using Cfx Escrow system. All framework & dependency code is always public.
⚠ OneSync is required
KuzQuality CustomerInstruction on install and configurations are well detailed and easy to follow. I found one issue and he was able to not only fix the issue but push out an entire update for everyone within a few hours! Great support as well as great work! Highly recommend to anyone who’s in search!