Traction control toggle
Traction control toggle
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Allow the traction control (aka ESP) of any vehicle to be turned off; allowing it to perform skids and drifts without affecting its performance. This truly makes driving any sports vehicle more enjoyable and engaging. The handling feels great and can be configured to the servers style. Want a slight reduction of grip when ESP is turned off, or would you prefer for it to act as a "drift switch" - the choice is yours. Simply adjust the values in the config to make it a perfect fit for your city.
Script is fully standalone which means that it'll work for ESX and QBCore
Main features
- Fully standalone
- Highly optimized code
- Extreme configurability
- Vehicle model & class white and blacklist
- ESP Synced between players if drivers change
- Makes vehicle handling much more fun
- Does not increase vehicle performance. Just the grip/traction of the tires
- Improves realism
This resource will work flawlessly on all servers. Including ESX, QBCore, QBox, VRP as well as servers running no frameworks at all
⚠ This resource is obfuscated using Cfx Escrow system. All framework & dependency code is always public.
⚠ OneSync is required