Advanced ped looting
Advanced ped looting
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Advanced ped looting script will allow players to set loot props which will drop when a ped is killed and can be collected by the player. This script works for any ped entity. Loot tables can be defined for a specific NPC type such as animals or gang type NPCs. You can also specify loot for a particular ped model such as zombie ped models. This script can be incorporated into other scripts by using an export where you give the entity ID so you can set a custom loot drop for that ped. You can optionally configure the script to also have peds drop loot when they ragdoll instead of just when they die
Main features
- Lightweight
- Smooth item pickup animation
- Make money and items lootable
- Set specific loot tables for specific ped groups (Gangs, animals, businessmen etc.)
- Set specific loot tables on peds model
- Use a custom export function to set a loot table for a specific entity(ped)
Resource usage:
- Idle: 0.00ms
- Near a dropped loot item: 0.01ms
- May get higher when rendering 3d text
This resource will work perfectly on server using either QBCore or ESX
All framework & dependency code is always editable. Meaning that it can very easily be adjusted to work with custom solutions.
⚠ This resource is obfuscated using Cfx Escrow system. All framework & dependency code is always public.
⚠ OneSync is required