Advanced Airdrop
Advanced Airdrop
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This resource is partially obfuscated using FiveM escrow
The airdrop begins as a plane flies over the map, visible to all players. When it reaches the drop zone, it releases crates that crash down, marked by smoke. Players can then pick up items, all synchronized. Airdrops can happen randomly or be summoned with a flare item anywhere on the map.
Main features
- Highly customizable. You can change pretty much anything about the airdrop
- Airdrops can appear anywhere in the game
- Drop multiple crates per plane
- Everything smoothly synchronised between the players
- Automatic airdrops in predefined locations (zones)
- Airdrop flare item used to call in the airdrop
- Admin command to call in the airdrop to their coordinates
- Works with qtarget, qb-target and ox_target (other systems may work as well) (optional)
Resmon values:
0.00ms at idle
0.01ms when an airdrop is active
This resource will work perfectly on server using either QBCore or ESX
All framework & dependency code is always editable. Meaning that it can very easily be adjusted to work with custom solutions.
⚠ This resource is obfuscated using Cfx Escrow system. All framework & dependency code is always public.
⚠ OneSync is required