Nightclub Heist
Nightclub Heist
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Optional Addons
Security Systems
Upgrade your heist with moving lasers and hackable panels
Ped Looting
Add a security npc which will drop a keycard
Nightclub Heist is a free and open-source script for FiveM. Dive into an exciting heist at a brand new Nightclub with newest top tier security systems. Such as lasers, alarms and control panels.
To start the heist head to the Tequilala and pickup a note on the second floor. This will open the club door access and set a blip
- KuzQuality Loot Areas (FREE)
- Used for spawning of the loot and the heist trigger
- KuzQuality Basic Security Lasers (FREE)
- Used to create stationary lasers as well as a simple dispatch system
- KuzQuality Security Systems (PAID)
- Used to create stationary and moving lasers, dispatch system. Visual and audio alarms as well as a hackable panel
- KuzQuality Advanced Ped Looting (PAID)
- Used to spawn the access keycard drop from the guard npc instead of having it spawned randomly
This resource will work perfectly on server using either QBCore or ESX
All framework & dependency code is always editable. Meaning that it can very easily be adjusted to work with custom solutions.
✓ This resource is fully editable and does not use Cfx Escrow.
⚠ OneSync is required